From Away

Living and writing in Maine but forever From Away

Archive for failed business

Bailout money and socks

Does anyone out there need more evidence that the government is really (really, really) bad at business decisions?

I don’t care which party it is the government needs to stay out the free market.

Yep. Another green business that received my money so they could continue to engage in commerce has failed. So I guess we’re not going to get that “loaned money” back. It has gone into the black hole that our socks go into apparently.

Has anyone seen any business succeed when the government gets involved? Just look at the railroad and postal service. I love both of them. I like getting my mail delivered in a timely manner. I would much rather travel on a train than on those cattle cars they call airplanes. In fact add air travel to that list and Chrysler.

The problem isn’t that the government wants to help. It’s that many of the people helping don’t have a clue about how to run a business. Oh, they probably read about it in a book somewhere. I can read about atomic engineering in a book. Not only will that not make me an atomic engineer but you don’t want me doing any atomic engineering.

Shoot, add the federal government to that list. From the financial sink hole we’re in at the national level I would hazard a guess that those guys are clueless. The part that dusts my doilies is that they are wasting money that they extorted from me.